Bored Games” is a film from the year 2024, which was both co-written and directed by Joel Stern, who is British and the film is also his conceptual work. Broadly, the movie addresses the social and psychological interactions of people who are compelled to lock themselves together during the apocalyptic, focusing on survival instincts, humanity and civilization.
Taking place during the apocalyptic scenario but without specific time, ‘Bored Games’ depicts three couples; namely Elliot and kat, Paul and Nina, Zuck and Lindsey, who have moved to a shelter in a basement. To alleviate boredom and outdoor activities, they start playing board games, hoping for things to go back to normal. Initially, the games are mere passes of time and uniting activities, but soon after, the constant mere-ness of being held together begins to alter their psychological abilities. Tension is heightened by the decreasing food reserves that bring on ferocious fights and loss of ethical obit. The changes in the games which are played do not end with the protagonist characters realising their darker sides. The drama expands as the characters fabricated trust between one another and stand up to fight against each other in the search for food which drives their instincts.
Cast & Crew
Christy Coysh as Elliot: The character is one of the leaders among the cast who battles with holding onto ethics and beliefs while being under stress.
Alanna Flynn as Kat: Elliot’s counterpart in the role who tries to envision unity and perseverance within the group.
Jonathan Oldfield as Paul: From a practical standpoint, he is one of those factors who holds an influence towards the group and their group movements.
Sara Segovia as Nina: The emotional side of Paul, the one who shares his life with a member of the unstable group and strengthens it.
Joel Stern as Zuck: However, Zuck is rather a multifaceted character who portrays the buffoons that instinct kicks in during a crisis.
Lorna Rose Treen as Lindsey: Zuck’s wife, straddling the fine line that connects loyalty to her husband and looking after herself.
The production team of the film counts among others Georgia House as producer, music directed by Tom Penn, Popov Valeri. The visuals of the film are captured by Charlie Harris as the director of photography, while he’s also the one to edit the final cut of the film.
IMDB Ratings
Currently, “Bored Games” has no rating on IMDB which means that this film has not been possibly released or has been reviewed. The audience has not as yet watched the movie so for clarity regarding it apart from viewing it, check along various podiums.
Winding Up
The research “Bored Games” contains a fascinating analysis of the performance of a human being in stressful conditions. The fortification of location and focus on characters allows – huddling on the central premise of the film – an inquiry into the fragility of social structures when facing threats to life. The performances by the ensemble cast, combined with Stern’s direction, seek to offer an engaging portrayal of the intricate details of the human psyche. The focus of the film, although interesting, remains shrouded as its viewing has not yet taken place.
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